Thursday, October 19, 2006

Note to self...

Politely decline invitiations from Steve Wynn to visit the Art Museum.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Yes, it's true...

... after 18 years of hemming, hawing, avoiding the topic, and saying "that'll be a cold day in hell", Keith Souder, John Manhardt and I will get together to play a rare short set of Trained Attack Dogs songs at Johnny Brenda's on Sunday, November 12th, as part of the No Libs Variety Show. I say rare, because I haven't even heard it yet, but it should be a lot of fun!

Monday, October 02, 2006


Snickers' recent advertising campaign is based upon the combination of 2 different words to construct a new adjective that describes their "indescribably good" candy bar.

Phrases like "Hungerectomy" or "Nougatocity"... Ok, cute.

But I posit that "Satisfectellent" is really bad.

I get that it's supposed to connote "Satisfaction & Excellent", but it doesn't work - primarily because of the FECT smack dab in the middle of the word.

Say it to yourself: "Sat-is-FEC-tel-lent"... the syllable that is naturally stressed is FECT.

Let's talk about FECT. What does FECT connote?

How about "defect"? Or "infect"? Or "feces"?

These are not things I want in my brown gooey candy bar.
These are not things I want entering my mouth.

Shouldn't this have been "Satisfexellence" instead of "Satisfectellent"?

It's wrong on so many counts. "Satisfaction" is not "Satisfection"... "Excellent" is not "Ectellent". If they were trying to suggest "Intellect" somewhere in there, they sure missed the boat.

I'm sorry, but I love the English language right down to the syllable.
What are these ad people thinking? Whatever it is, it's sure icky.